The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere

I think The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio is very cool.

I started listening to the Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio after I finished season 2 of . Despite being part of the same universe they actually have very a very different tone and structure from one another.

Episode Art (click on an image for full size)

S2E7: Bring Down the Heavens

The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio

I think The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio is very cool.

I started listening to the Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio midway through the release of season 1, although I didn't actually finish listening to all of the episodes until after the season had finished. I got back into it when season 2 came out, and I actually started a wiki for the podcast. I'm generally kind of sad that this podcast doesn't have a larger fandom, since I really like it.

tDoVoSO is mainly about Jasmine Control and Scarlet Jaunt, who are trying to escape the locked-down building of the Department of Variance. I really like the supernatural aspects of the show, and I think that a lot of them are really interesting. Also, there's a confrontation scene with a giant worm, and that's kind of funny (it might not actually be that funny, but the way I pictured it definitely was).

Episode Art (click on an image for full size)

S2E7: Bring Down the Heavens

S2E9: We Shall All Be Worms